Smart, wireless temperature monitoring and control system
With software and hardware developed by "Eltrum Systems", you will be able to monitor and control all your devices from anywhere in the world with the Internet and a smartphone.
The system consists of smart devices, an online cloud platform and mobile app.
- Devices - Data is transferred by wireless connection in long ranges eliminating the need of wiring, trenching and switch cabinets. It is enough to install device in its working environment and register it in mobile app.
- Cloud platform - Responsible for data storing and maintenance, messaging, communication between devices and mobile app.
- Mobile app - A handy tool that works on any device: computer, tablet, mobile phone.
Automated system allows to monitor the condition of stored products from anywhere in the world, reduce the likelihood of maintenance errors, react quickly to any changes that have occurred in your warehouse.
How the system works
All "Eltrum Systems" devices operate 24/7, constantly monitoring the task assigned to them and "listening" to commands coming from the system. Whenever device controller reads sensors' data, the data is encrypted and transmitted wirelessly (WiFi, LoRa) to the platform.
4G communication stations are used to ensure smooth data transfer between the devices and the platform. One station covers up to 10000m2 area, and can handle up to 200 devices simultaneously.
The data obtained on the platform is decoded and stored in a database so that it can be displayed on a graph or printed out in a report. At the same time, the data is analyzed, corresponding messages are generated, and are immediately sent to user's e-mail and his mobile app.
In the mobile app, users can see current device status/data, re-view graphs of data changes, and manage device settings. The app also lets users to share access to their devices with other people, group devices, rename them, review usage history. The app is translated into English, Russian and Lithuanian languages.
In cooperation with our customers, we are constantly improving the capabilities of the app, adding new features, and striving to make the maintenance of stored products as convenient and safe as possible.
Mobile app

All user's devices are displayed in the main window. Devices can be divided into specific groups.

All sensors of a single device can be monitored in real time. You can see min, max and avg values as well.

Collected data is transferred to safe cloud platform and allows visualization of historical data.

Messaging settings for dangerous temperature reached and sudden changes.

App installation does not require any specific knowledge, it can be simply used in any web browser.
Start using system here