By using our system, it is easy to automate the ventilation system you already have or plan to acquire. You will be able to turn the ventilation on and off by using the "Eltrum Systems" app on your mobile.
- Manual mode - You can see the current status (on/off) of your ventilation system on any device: computer, tablet or mobile phone. With a simple click of a button in the app, you can control the fan from anywhere in the world.
- Automatic mode - If you have our temperature monitoring equipment - you will be able to set the ventilation on and off automatically according to the current temperature in your object.
Meteorological station
Monitoring outdoor temperature and humidity has an important impact on the proper maintenance of products. Appropriate actions can be taken to ensure the safety and quality of the harvest if outdoor conditions are measured.
If you control the ventilation or lighting with the help of devices developed by "Eltrum systems", you will be able to setup them to take into account the readings of the weather station. The system will check the outdoor temperature and humidity, ensure that the ventilation is switched on only in suitable weather conditions. You will avoid the risk of moisture from outside getting into your products stored in warehouse during ventilation process. Also, if you track outdoor conditions, you will be able to turn on ventilation or heating earlier, to prevent unwanted changes inside your storage.